<p> <img alt="Anabel Mercier, gestion AMR" class="aligncenter size-full" src="http://blogmanagement.momenteo.com/Content/blog-img/20200828142359003imag_pigiste.png" /></p>
<h3><strong>1- Tell us about yourself</strong></h3>
<p>My name is Anabel Mercier (Gestion AMR), and I am a human resources, accounting, and organizational management counsellor. </p>
<h3><strong>2- Where does your immense passion for human resources come from?</strong></h3>
<p>My passion for human resources is an evolutionary story. I first started to have a market interest in administration during my first job. I was then a cashier. Sometimes, I surprised myself analysing the way my bosses managed their business. I got interested increasingly in entrepreneurship. I then started to start projects when I was in high school with the help of my teachers.</p>
<p>I studied administration at college, where I became the president of the entrepreneurs’ club in my school. I liked to analyse people, leadership, the job market, employee satisfaction, etc. It is all topics that interested me a lot. I then wanted to develop my game further by studying human resources at university. I fell in love! During my academic progress, I also had the chance to have jobs in that field which confirmed my interest. I also realized that I wanted to change people’s vision about boring and mean human resources workers. I then discovered my management style, which is based on humans and autonomy. There is something beautiful and rewarding about that field.</p>
<p>Humans are the center of our businesses, and it is vital to take care of them. It is my passion. It is my way of taking care of others.</p>
<h3><strong>3- How did you become self-employed?</strong></h3>
<p>I always knew (and my relatives too) that I would become a self-employed worker. As mentioned, entrepreneurship is in my blood for a long time. I like the feeling of freedom that gives me the fact to be a self-employed worker.</p>
<p>I have many friends who are entrepreneurs, and they often needed my pieces of advice. I then decided to quit my job overnight to become a self-employed worker. I suppose that when we feel that it is the right moment for us, we do not question ourselves, and we leap.</p>
<h3><strong>4- What is the most challenging part of self-employment?</strong></h3>
<p>One of the most surprising things I faced when I started was probably the concerns of my relatives. I do not have a typical 9 to 5 job; therefore, many people question how I can make a living, be motivated, etc. For them, it is something unusual. I need to justify my work, and I find it distressing to do it regularly. </p>
<p>Regarding my work, I would say my age. Regardless, I am young to be a consultant in my field; consequently, I need to work a little more to get new customers’ trust. However, I turn this positively by saying that my knowledge is up-to-date.</p>
<h3><strong>5- Which part of being self-employed do you like the most?</strong></h3>
<p>My freedom! Undoubtedly, it is what I like the most about being a self-employed worker.</p>
<h3><strong>6- Tell us about your work routine.</strong></h3>
<p>I do not have a routine; however, I plan a lot. The only routine task I do is to look at my emails when I start my day. I do not like routine. I structure myself by giving myself some chores to do for the week, and I decide which ones I would like to do while respecting the deadlines that I sometimes have.</p>
<p>I do not have a fixed schedule either. I answer emails from my customers from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, but I am not necessarily working during these hours. Remember that what I like the most about being a self-employed person is my freedom!</p>
<h3><strong>7- What are the online tools you could not live without?</strong></h3>
<p>For my bookkeeping, I use Momenteo.</p>
<p>Regarding management, I would say that I cannot work without Google (Gmail. Drive, Agenda, etc.) and Trello to organize my projects. To meet my customers, I use Zoom or Skype.</p>
<h3><strong>8. How did you learn about Momenteo, and how long have you been using it?</strong></h3>
<p>I discovered Momenteo in a search on Google. I was looking for software other than Excel to do my accounting as a self-employed worker. I felt in love with it when I started to use it. It is a perfect software for self-employed workers.</p>
<h3><strong>9- What makes Momenteo different from other accounting programs?</strong></h3>
<p>I believe that its main difference is its ease of use. It took me only a few minutes to understand it. With time, I learned and discovered its different functionalities like the customer files, the chronometer, the travel tracker, the calendar, etc. </p>
<h3><strong>10- How do you find your new customers? </strong></h3>
<p>I am from a rural region; therefore, I was recommended to many customers. Then, I find customers on Pige Québec, as well as on a Facebook group called Les femmes de tête. Otherwise, I am on social media, and I talk a lot about my job.</p>
<h3><strong>11. What are your tips for someone who would like to get into freelance?</strong></h3>
<p>I would say to do something you are passionate about. It is what will give you the energy and strength to work on this project. It needs a lot of time and work, but it is worth it. </p>
<p> Furthermore, I believe that you need to surround yourself with entrepreneurs in order to have opportunities to discuss and brainstorm about development. Finally, I would say that it is important to structure yourself well; otherwise, it will catch up later. Some administrative notions are important to know, like government rebates, accounting, planning, management, customer contracts, etc. Revenu Québec’s website has a lot of information on the subject, but I think to surround yourself with entrepreneurs helps a lot.</p>
<h3><strong>12. What would you say to someone who would like to use the services of an HR consultant?</strong></h3>
<p>My guidance services of human resources can be relevant as soon as a business owner thinks of needing one or many employees. When you feel you need an employee, you can ask for a consultation with an expert. You will then know that it is important when welcoming a new employee. Often, business owners manage their human resources and believe they do not need to be helped; however, the benefits the business could have are important. Our services are extensive. We can help with everything regarding an employee. Asking for help never hurts anybody! ;)</p>
<h3><strong>13. Which projects are you most proud of?</strong></h3>
<p>The project I am most proud of will see the light of day this fall. For now, I cannot say more…</p>
<h3><strong>14. Do you have any big plans for this fall?</strong></h3>
<p>I always have a lot of projects in mind (my relatives could tell you!) September and October will be busy months for me. Indeed, I will launch my website, my training plans, as well as many educational videos.</p>
<p>I also plan a lot of new projects for the next year. My goal is to educate people on human resource management.</p>
<h3><strong>15. How Can We Contact You?</strong></h3>
<p>Facebook/Instagram: Gestion AMR</p>
<p>Email: anabel.mercier@gmail.com</p>
<p>Website: <a href="http://www.gestionamr.ca">https://www.gestionamr.ca</a></p>
<p>I love to talk about my job and what I can bring to self-employed workers, startups, and small businesses. More often than ever, my customers are surprised about the plus value I bring them. </p>